
The Facts of Home Heating

FACT: We have heated the following in the Northeast:
* Ranches (1,000-1,400 sq. ft.).............................less than 200 gal./ year
* Capes & Gambrels (1,400-1,800 sq. ft.)...........less than 400 gal./ year
* Garrisons & Splits (1,800-2,200 sq. ft.).............less than 500 gal./ year

Visit our showroom for a live demo - by appointment only.
Or call for a FREE CONSULTATION on one of the
finest heating systems on the market today!
You could save $100.00's of dollars on your annual heating bill and be
REALLY WARM--no matter what the current price of fuel is!!!

Kerosene & Gas Direct Vent Heating Systems by
*FACT Typically, 2/3's of the fuel consumed during a heating season is purchased at the off season low price.
*FACT These heating systems are fuel efficient using 350-400 gallons per year for a 2000 sq. ft. home.
*FACT They are highly efficient: 89% - 93%
*FACT These heating systems are safe. They are UL approved, cool to touch and feature a sealed combustion chamber
*FACT Direct K-1 Heating systems eliminate cold air infiltration. Unlike conventional heating systems and wood stoves they use outside air for combustion, not warm room air. Once the house is warm, it stays warm.
*FACT These heating systems are convenient. They are thermostatically controlled and feature 4 time and temperature setbacks allowing you to custom tailor your home heating system to your lifestyle.
*FACT Tens of thousands of homeowners throughout the northeast attest to the fact that these heating systems are the most affordable and efficient way to heat a home.
*FACT Monitor and Toyotomi Direct Vent Heating Systems have the lowest fuel consumption of any other system on the market.